
Quality Control

We are constantly carrying out research and development work to provide the best for our customer. We have in our plant, a fully equipped laboratory to test and ensure that our emulsion are consistent with requirement of MS 1.61 and cutback according to MS 1.59

Tack Coat

A tack coat is a very light application of emulsifier asphlat to an existing paved surface to ensure bond between the old surface and the overlaying asphalt paving course. Work Should be planned so that no more tack coat than is necessary for the days operation is placed on the surface. All traffic not essential to work should be kept off the tack coat.

Prime Coat

Prime Coat is application of low viscosity bitumen emulsion or cutback bitumen to an absorbet surface. It is used to prepare an untreated base for a premix surface by :
* Waterproffing the surface of the road base.
* Reducing capillary voids.
* Coating and bonding loose mineral particles.
* Promoting adhesion between the base and the overlaying premix course.