Safety Precautions


We advise that you should follow the safety procedures during handling to ensure safety and health.
* Keep working area well ventilated
* Always wear good quality gloves, boots, eye protection goggles and overalls while hadling hot bitumen, avoid skin contact.
* Never use water for extinguishing bitumen fire, use fire extinguisher (foam or dry powder) or sand


We suggest the following precautions while using our Bitumen Emulsion to get best result from product.
* The drum should be rolled four to five times before using. Emulsion should not be stirred with wood or steel rods
* Both the aggregate and the surface to be laid should be dust free
* The drums should be kept open for longer period.
* Emulsion should be used before its self-life period of 12 months from the date of manufactering
* Emulsion should not be used when the ambient temperature is below 10 celcius
* Emulsion should not be stored below 5 celcius
* Emulsion should not be heated above 85 celcius